Restoration by the Metropolis
In 2016, the restoration operation launched by the Métropole Rouen Normandie is unprecedented in the history of the monument. The very degraded state of it made it necessary.
Goals: ensure the conservation of the “Aître Saint-Maclou”, and preserving for future generations the integrity and authenticity of this unique building. The state of the monument retained for the restoration is that of 1880 because it allows to represent the different stages of construction of the “aître”.

Different restoration protocols to be implemented by type of structure have been defined in consultation with the Regional Conservation of Historic Monuments. The works, directed by Richard Duplat, chief architect of Historical Monuments, aim at the maximum conservation of the works still existing since the origin of the “Aître” until the end of the XIXth century. They will be carried out by restoration companies specializing in Historic Monuments or by specialist restorers with degrees in decoration.

More than 20 th of different trades have been asked to carry out this restoration.
Today, “L’Aître Saint-Maclou” is home to the “Galerie des Arts du Feu” whose vocation is the promotion of crafts, the contemporary art gallery “Telmah” and a restaurant, “café Hamle”.